Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Life Threatening Habit Using Drugs And Alcohol

Bo Warner Mrs. Pitman Honors English II 9 May 2016 A Life Threatening Habit Using a cell phone may be equivalent to using drugs and alcohol. Addiction to cell phones is a worldwide problem. There are many negative effects that teenagers do not know and that will cause harm in long term usage. For some, using their cell phone is a way out of reality and an escape from the outer lives. Social media is becoming more popular every year which is attracting younger kids. The cell phone is a trap to the next generation and will create problems for teenagers. In today s society, cell phones destroy people s communication abilities, social lives, and driving abilities. Teenagers having real conversations is a rare sight. Texting is seen as the†¦show more content†¦Cell phones are a teenager s best friend with all the new technology coming out. Cameras and the ability to send different things are making lives a lot easier (Ling 23). These addicting innovations are destroying face-to-face communication. These bad skills or habits could create a dysfunctional family. Texting interferes with teenagers family life as well. In the online article, Technology, the author shows that cell phones distract and disrupt family. For a parent, handling a teenager is hard enough. Hormones are on the rise and tempers get heated. Parents have trouble with their kids behavior and expenses because of cell phones (Technology). School and other activities seem to be affected which involves parents getting calls home and taking time to deal with the problems. Phone bills and outrageous rates put a burden on parents as well. Bills can add up to more than a hundred dollars a month (Technology). Communication needs to happen between family members. A teen correspondent named Furwah Hassan explains that with all of the online and social media distractions, parents do not get to talk to their kids enough. All the new fun things that are put on phones give teenagers more things to do on their cell phones (Hassan). All this does is take ti me away from important things like family. The addiction to cell phones and all the innovations means that surrounding things come second. Family time is minimal as teenagers choose their cell

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